Android MVP Architecture

14 Videos

3h 11m

1000 BDT 400 BDT

Android MVP Architecture

Course Outline

  • Introduction of the MVP Architecture course
Problem understanding
  • Requirement analysis of Blog Reading App
  • Developing a blog reading App without any architecture
  • Problems of current implementation (without architecture)
  • Major problem - Unit testing not possible!
Implementation of MVP
  • Basic idea of MVP architecture
  • Implementation of View layer
  • Implementation of Presentation layer
  • Implementation of Model layer
  • Move business logic into Presentation layer
  • Handle View destroy
  • What we achieved?
  • Limitations of MVP & improvement scope
  • Limitation of MVP (Presenter Reusability issue)


Hasan Abdullah

Technical Lead

Feedback about the course

nice journey

omar Faruk

I think it will be more useful if you add another video about data source layer separation. Since you mention it in the video, I think many juniors/newbies may be confused about the data source philosophy and its implementation. Overall, I would like to thank Hasan Abdullah bhai for his clear explanation and the great short course.

zakaria hossain